Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What is RFID and how is it used?

RFID stands for Radio-Frequency identification and it is use of an object that can be implemented into any item, product, animal or even a human. This can then be used for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves.

The main purpose of this technology is to track and technology allows us nowadays to create RFID Tags that are literally rice-sized. This makes them very easy to plant beneath skin or hide. The market is now embracing this technology and has been used for years.

The most common example example that RFID tags are used for that I know about is animal tags. Owners were reliant on tattooing their pets which would cause them pain and very hard to examine when wanting to know if it was your pet or not. But now vets are advertising the fact they can implant tags into their pets just beneath the skin which causes them very little pain as they are very small chips, they are also reasonably cheap. People are able to do this as seen below:

When recently watching a TV Programme called NCIS, I discovered that an example similar to this is that they use an Ultraviolet Fluorescent Powder that can also emit a radio frequency, which I found pretty cool.

They are now used all over the world and you can find websites online that will enable you to get hold of one with ease. There are many retailers that use this technology such as supermarkets and I have been told that they use them on trolleys and they are then able to track where they are, although it will be no use when it is at the bottom of a river.

1 comment:

  1. A very good post Sam, informative, illustrative and well researched. You have used good examples when explaining how this technology is used. Make sure that you read through what you have written before publishing your posts, check that what you have written makes sense and that you have not repeated words (e.g. "The most common example example that")
